Monday, 11 August 2008

Big Breakfast with a surprise

When I completed the final assignment last semester, I decided to celebrate by giving myself a nice treat. I ordered the big breakfast - eggs, bacon, toast, tomatoes, spinach and roasted capsicum. Yes, when I say BIG, I meant BIG.

The chef brought the meal out with the BIGGEST smile and said something really first I thought he was just making small talk. He was going on and on about how lucky I was. It's very rare and doesn't happen often. It is morning and my coffee 'fix' hasn't fully induced the caffeine effect yet ... i was lucky. Yup when you dont have to cook do feel lucky :)) After a little while I noticed why he was so excited! Have you?

Okay, okay if you havent had your coffee fix yet, it's the twin egg yokes :))

1 comment:

The Seasonal One said...

Wow! So interesting!

And the breakfast IS BIG